Dr. Sebi’s Nutritional Guide + 7 Alkaline Recipes


Dr. Sebi (Alfredo Darrington Bowman) was a self-proclaimed healer and herbalist who developed a nutritional approach based on the principle of alkaline eating. He believed that consuming a diet primarily composed of alkaline-forming foods could help restore the body’s natural balance and prevent various ailments.

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Dr. Sebi (Alfredo Darrington Bowman) was a self-proclaimed healer and herbalist who developed a nutritional approach based on the principle of alkaline eating. He believed that consuming a diet primarily composed of alkaline-forming foods could help restore the body’s natural balance and prevent various ailments.

The core principles of Dr. Sebi’s nutritional guide include:

Alkaline Foods: Dr. Sebi advocated for a diet rich in alkaline foods, which are believed to help balance the body’s pH levels. Alkaline foods include most fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains.

Plant-Based Diet: He emphasized the importance of consuming a predominantly plant-based diet. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains are the primary components of his recommended diet.

Avoidance of Acidic Foods: Dr. Sebi advised against consuming acidic and mucus-forming foods, such as meat, dairy, refined grains, processed sugars, and artificial additives. He believed that these foods could disrupt the body’s natural balance and contribute to disease.

Hydration: Adequate hydration is also emphasized in Dr. Sebi’s nutritional guide. He recommended drinking plenty of water to help flush toxins from the body and support overall health.

Herbal Supplements: In addition to dietary recommendations, Dr. Sebi often prescribed herbal supplements to support specific health goals or address individual health concerns.


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